Insulting Our Troops, and Our Intelligence
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Imperialist Watch
2006-11-04 17:36:24 UTC
November 3, 2006

Op-Ed Columnist

Insulting Our Troops, and Our Intelligence

George Bush, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld think you're stupid. Yes, they do.

They think they can take a mangled quip about President Bush and Iraq by
John Kerry - a man who is not even running for office but who, unlike Mr.
Bush and Mr. Cheney, never ran away from combat service - and get you to
vote against all Democrats in this election.

Every time you hear Mr. Bush or Mr. Cheney lash out against Mr. Kerry, I
hope you will say to yourself, "They must think I'm stupid." Because they
surely do.

They think that they can get you to overlook all of the Bush team's real and
deadly insults to the U.S. military over the past six years by hyping and
exaggerating Mr. Kerry's mangled gibe at the president.

What could possibly be more injurious and insulting to the U.S. military
than to send it into combat in Iraq without enough men - to launch an
invasion of a foreign country not by the Powell Doctrine of overwhelming
force, but by the Rumsfeld Doctrine of just enough troops to lose? What
could be a bigger insult than that?

What could possibly be more injurious and insulting to our men and women in
uniform than sending them off to war without the proper equipment, so that
some soldiers in the field were left to buy their own body armor and to
retrofit their own jeeps with scrap metal so that roadside bombs in Iraq
would only maim them for life and not kill them? And what could be more
injurious and insulting than Don Rumsfeld's response to criticism that he
sent our troops off in haste and unprepared: Hey, you go to war with the
army you've got - get over it.

What could possibly be more injurious and insulting to our men and women in
uniform than to send them off to war in Iraq without any coherent postwar
plan for political reconstruction there, so that the U.S. military has had
to assume not only security responsibilities for all of Iraq but the
political rebuilding as well? The Bush team has created a veritable library
of military histories - from "Cobra II" to "Fiasco" to "State of Denial" -
all of which contain the same damning conclusion offered by the very
soldiers and officers who fought this war: This administration never had a
plan for the morning after, and we've been making it up - and paying the
price - ever since.

And what could possibly be more injurious and insulting to our men and women
in Iraq than to send them off to war and then go out and finance the very
people they're fighting against with our gluttonous consumption of oil?
Sure, George Bush told us we're addicted to oil, but he has not done one
single significant thing - demanded higher mileage standards from Detroit,
imposed a gasoline tax or even used the bully pulpit of the White House to
drive conservation - to end that addiction. So we continue to finance the
U.S. military with our tax dollars, while we finance Iran, Syria, Wahhabi
mosques and Al Qaeda madrassas with our energy purchases.

Everyone says that Karl Rove is a genius. Yeah, right. So are cigarette
companies. They get you to buy cigarettes even though we know they cause
cancer. That is the kind of genius Karl Rove is. He is not a man who has
designed a strategy to reunite our country around an agenda of renewal for
the 21st century - to bring out the best in us. His "genius" is taking some
irrelevant aside by John Kerry and twisting it to bring out the worst in us,
so you will ignore the mess that the Bush team has visited on this country.

And Karl Rove has succeeded at that in the past because he was sure that he
could sell just enough Bush cigarettes, even though people knew they caused
cancer. Please, please, for our country's health, prove him wrong this time.

Let Karl know that you're not stupid. Let him know that you know that the
most patriotic thing to do in this election is to vote against an
administration that has - through sheer incompetence - brought us to a point
in Iraq that was not inevitable but is now unwinnable.

Let Karl know that you think this is a critical election, because you know
as a citizen that if the Bush team can behave with the level of deadly
incompetence it has exhibited in Iraq - and then get away with it by holding
on to the House and the Senate - it means our country has become a banana
republic. It means our democracy is in tatters because it is so
gerrymandered, so polluted by money, and so divided by professional
political hacks that we can no longer hold the ruling party to account.

It means we're as stupid as Karl thinks we are.

I, for one, don't think we're that stupid. Next Tuesday we'll see.

Copyright 2006 The New York Times Company
"In all history there is no war which was not hatched by the governments,
the governments alone, independent of the interests of the people..."

Leo Tolstoy
2006-11-04 17:46:42 UTC
Post by Imperialist Watch
November 3, 2006
Op-Ed Columnist
Insulting Our Troops, and Our Intelligence
George Bush, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld think you're stupid. Yes, they do.
They think they can take a mangled quip about President Bush and Iraq by
John Kerry - a man who is not even running for office but who, unlike Mr.
We have a direct link to the video of John Kerry showing democrat party
contempt for US Military
at http://www.northcarolinarepublicans.org

Kerry was speaking his heart and mind. It was quite clear regarding
Kerry's intent. Considering his history of treason it is not at all
out of character for him or the democrat party.

Republican Commando
No doubt who Osama is rooting for in this election and no doubt who, in
this election, has been rooting for Osama.
2006-11-04 17:48:59 UTC
Post by a***@aim.com
Post by Imperialist Watch
November 3, 2006
Op-Ed Columnist
Insulting Our Troops, and Our Intelligence
George Bush, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld think you're stupid. Yes, they do.
They think they can take a mangled quip about President Bush and Iraq by
John Kerry - a man who is not even running for office but who, unlike Mr.
We have a direct link to the video of John Kerry showing democrat party
contempt for US Military
at http://www.northcarolinarepublicans.org
Kerry was speaking his heart and mind. It was quite clear regarding
Kerry's intent. Considering his history of treason it is not at all
out of character for him or the democrat party.
He meant what he said. He didn't crack a smile, no one around
him cracked a smile, there was no tone of humour or jest in his voice.
He just purely meant exactly what he said.
Post by a***@aim.com
Republican Commando
No doubt who Osama is rooting for in this election and no doubt who, in
this election, has been rooting for Osama.
Click here every day to feed an animal that needs you today !!!

Paul ( pjm @ pobox . com ) - remove spaces to email me
'Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the restraints.'
'With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine.'
HVAC/R program for Palm PDA's
Free demo now available online http://pmilligan.net/palm/
Sam Hilliard
2006-11-04 17:52:04 UTC
Post by a***@aim.com
Post by Imperialist Watch
November 3, 2006
Op-Ed Columnist
Insulting Our Troops, and Our Intelligence
George Bush, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld think you're stupid. Yes, they do.
They think they can take a mangled quip about President Bush and Iraq by
John Kerry - a man who is not even running for office but who, unlike Mr.
We have a direct link to the video of John Kerry showing democrat party
contempt for US Military
at http://www.northcarolinarepublicans.org
It's contempt in your defective brain only. I know a few dozen
soldiers who are proud of their jobs but will GLADLY admit they don't
care to be STUCK IN IRAQ, that it's a shit job, and Bush and Rumsfeld
are retarded fuckwits. Kerry is a former soldier as well. There's
nothing wrong with speaking the truth. Nobody wants to be stuck in
Sam Hilliard
2006-11-05 02:10:38 UTC
Post by Sam Hilliard
Post by a***@aim.com
Post by Imperialist Watch
November 3, 2006
Op-Ed Columnist
Insulting Our Troops, and Our Intelligence
George Bush, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld think you're stupid. Yes, they do.
They think they can take a mangled quip about President Bush and Iraq by
John Kerry - a man who is not even running for office but who, unlike Mr.
We have a direct link to the video of John Kerry showing democrat party
contempt for US Military
at http://www.northcarolinarepublicans.org
It's contempt in your defective brain only. I know a few dozen
soldiers who are proud of their jobs but will GLADLY admit they don't
care to be STUCK IN IRAQ, that it's a shit job, and Bush and Rumsfeld
are retarded fuckwits. Kerry is a former soldier as well. There's
nothing wrong with speaking the truth. Nobody wants to be stuck in
"It is one thing for the majority of Americans to think Rumsfeld has
failed. But when the nation's current military leaders start to break
publicly with their defense secretary, then it is clear that he is
losing control of the institution he ostensibly leads."


2006-11-05 02:20:04 UTC
On Sat, 04 Nov 2006 21:10:38 -0500, Sam Hilliard
Post by Sam Hilliard
A ) Just an editorial, which means one asshole's opinion.

B ) from a set of 4 papers that PRETEND to be separate, but
are in fact all one, and owned by the USAToday

C ) rehashing old out-of-context quotes, long put to rest by
the original speakers

D ) 2 days before Election Day, making it nothing but another
obvious 'Late October Suprise'.

E ) If whoever wrote that is or was in the military, sKerry
has called him or her 'stupid for being here' consistently for over 30

F ) sKerry's month in 'Nam, and his band-aid that he road home
on, mean NOTHING about his ability to command the Armed Forces, or run
the country.

G ) so fuck off.
Click here every day to feed an animal that needs you today !!!

Paul ( pjm @ pobox . com ) - remove spaces to email me
'Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the restraints.'
'With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine.'
HVAC/R program for Palm PDA's
Free demo now available online http://pmilligan.net/palm/
Dweezil Dwarftosser
2006-11-05 04:48:42 UTC
Post by Sam Hilliard
Post by a***@aim.com
We have a direct link to the video of John Kerry showing democrat party
contempt for US Military
at http://www.northcarolinarepublicans.org
It's contempt in your defective brain only. I know a few dozen
soldiers who are proud of their jobs but will GLADLY admit they
don't care to be STUCK IN IRAQ, that it's a shit job, and Bush
and Rumsfeld are retarded fuckwits.
I imagine that there are a few dozen of the 140,000 there who
feel that way. But you're wrong: almost all 140,000 will readily
admit that they'd rather be elsewhere; no one despises war
more than a warrior - and it's been true since long before the
Romans marched across Europe. (Much moreso after they knocked
off all of the raping and pillaging...)
Post by Sam Hilliard
Kerry is a former soldier as well.
Sailor, actually - but I accept the premise. BTW - so am I.
While Kerry was perjuring himself before Congress in 1970,
claiming that I and 500,000 others were war criminals, I
was 12 time zones away in SE Asia.
Post by Sam Hilliard
There's nothing wrong with speaking the truth.
Then why did Kerry lie, consistently?
Post by Sam Hilliard
Nobody wants to be stuck in Iraq.
I agree - but that also includes the majority of Iragis, who
wish to live in peace, rather than being terrorized by their
Jihadi "brothers".
Sam Hilliard
2006-11-05 12:20:32 UTC
On Sat, 04 Nov 2006 23:48:42 -0500, Dweezil Dwarftosser
Post by Dweezil Dwarftosser
Post by Sam Hilliard
Post by a***@aim.com
We have a direct link to the video of John Kerry showing democrat party
contempt for US Military
at http://www.northcarolinarepublicans.org
It's contempt in your defective brain only. I know a few dozen
soldiers who are proud of their jobs but will GLADLY admit they
don't care to be STUCK IN IRAQ, that it's a shit job, and Bush
and Rumsfeld are retarded fuckwits.
I imagine that there are a few dozen of the 140,000 there who
feel that way. But you're wrong: almost all 140,000 will readily
admit that they'd rather be elsewhere; no one despises war
more than a warrior - and it's been true since long before the
Romans marched across Europe. (Much moreso after they knocked
off all of the raping and pillaging...)
Kerry is a former soldier as well.
Sailor, actually - but I accept the premise. BTW - so am I.
While Kerry was perjuring himself before Congress in 1970,
claiming that I and 500,000 others were war criminals, I
was 12 time zones away in SE Asia.
Yeah and we came back from Vietnam, arses kicked properly with our
tails between our legs, they were returned to communism (our reason
for being there in the first place) only months after our departure,
and they have lived happily ever after. I got a chance to spend some
time in Saigon a coulple of years ago. Beautiful country with an
interesting culture and an economy that is growing by leaps and
bounds. I didn't see many people complaining, it seems to be a much
better place after we decided it was best to mind our own damn
business (coincidentally, after being handed our ass on a platter from

Kerry was right, we WERE war criminals to go into VN in the first
Post by Dweezil Dwarftosser
Post by Sam Hilliard
There's nothing wrong with speaking the truth.
Then why did Kerry lie, consistently?
You mean like "It was NEVER 'stay the course'". Bush lied to. They
are politicians, it's their job to lie.
Post by Dweezil Dwarftosser
Post by Sam Hilliard
Nobody wants to be stuck in Iraq.
I agree - but that also includes the majority of Iragis, who
wish to live in peace, rather than being terrorized by their
Jihadi "brothers".
Well you either agree or you don't (unless you're looking to
flip-flop), and if you do agree that nobody wants to be stuck in Iraq,
as you've just stated, then you must also agree that Kerry was just
speaking the blatantly obvious truth that nobody wants to be there.

As far as Iraqis not wanting to be there, I guess you haven't read all
the blogs of Iraqis who described life before the US invasion. The
biggest problem, which Bush created, is that whatever Iraq was before,
it is a hell of a lot worse off, now.
Dweezil Dwarftosser
2006-11-05 18:15:19 UTC
Post by Sam Hilliard
Post by Sam Hilliard
Kerry is a former soldier as well.
Sailor, actually - but I accept the premise. BTW - so am I.
While Kerry was perjuring himself before Congress in 1970,
claiming that I and 500,000 others were war criminals, I
was 12 time zones away in SE Asia.
Yeah and we came back from Vietnam, arses kicked properly with
our tails between our legs,
Uh, no. Not only did the US win every major battle in which we
were engaged, Dick Nixon finally let us take the gloves off
and take the FULL battle to the enemy once again, after years
of LBJ's on again/off again ineffective "rolling thunder".
Does the term "Christmas bombing of 1972" ring a bell?
We creamed five major cities and environs in NVN - like had
never been done before. We mined Haiphong harbor for the
first time (which we could have done in 1965) - and in 13
days, the NVA *begged* to return to the bargaining tables in
Paris. (Jan, 1973.)

There, the NVA agreed NOT to invade the South if we would stop
bouncing the rubble that had been Hanoi - and we accepted,
conditioned upon the return of all our POWs, and assistance
in finding the thousands of MIAs.

The VN war was over for us. All US combat troops in SVN came
home by the middle of 1973. Nixon had brought them home - and
realized his "peace with honor".

the S. Vietnamese in their hour of need. NVN reneged on the deal,
and invaded the south en masse.
Post by Sam Hilliard
they were returned to communism (our reason for being there
in the first place) only months after our departure,
Nope. TWO YEARS after our departure.
I suppose you are imagining that the famous scene of the few
US Marines stationed at the Saigon embassy leaving the place
with the ambassador by helicopter in 1975 - was a "hasty exit
of all US forces" from SVN; it wasn't. The withdrawal was
two years earlier, in 1973, and took months.
(The last battle of the VN War did occur in May of 1975 - but
it wasn't in Vietnam; it was the siezure of the USS Mayaguez
freighter from Cambodia, and a hefty battle with Cambodian
captors on Kon Tang Island, involving the USMC and USAF.)
Post by Sam Hilliard
and they have lived happily ever after.
Yeah, right. At least 300,000 S. Vietnamese were killed,
imprisoned and/or sent to "reeducation camps" (forced labor)
after the North successfully invaded the South. Their
teachers, engineers, physicians, and all "intellectuals"
today are farmers or sewer workers, the only living permitted
them in that "worker's paradise".
Post by Sam Hilliard
Kerry was right, we WERE war criminals to go into VN in the
first place.
In your dreams. Not only were we requested to go by the SVN
government, our SEATO treaty obligations also required us to
help them - as did the Australians, S. Koreans, Philipinos,
and Thais, all of which sent troops and equipment as their
SEATO contribution.
Post by Sam Hilliard
Post by Sam Hilliard
Post by Sam Hilliard
Nobody wants to be stuck in Iraq.
I agree - but that also includes the majority of Iragis, who
wish to live in peace, rather than being terrorized by their
Jihadi "brothers".
Well you either agree or you don't (unless you're looking to
flip-flop), and if you do agree that nobody wants to be stuck
in Iraq, as you've just stated, then you must also agree that
Kerry was just speaking the blatantly obvious truth that nobody
wants to be there.
Horseshit; that is NOT what he said.

His statement said that only those who aren't educated get stuck
in Iraq. (He said the same thing about Vietnam, 35 years earlier.)
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